Peace and Social Concerns Committee

This committee has a twofold purpose:

  • First, it functions as a communications link between the Monthly Meeting, with its concern for peace and social welfare in the larger community growing out of our religious convictions, and the individuals and groups which share these concerns. This enables the Meeting to work with people in the community, translating concerns into action.
  • Second, it serves as a forum and clearing house for ideas concerning peace work and social service which originate within the Monthly Meeting.

In fulfilling these responsibilities, the primary activities of the committee are:

  • Communication with other religious and service groups and with members of legislative bodies on issues with which we are concerned.
  • Providing ongoing support and help in American Friends Service Committee and Friends Committee on National Legislation work.
    Education of Meeting members and attenders regarding community needs and social problems and issues concerning peace.
  • Coordinating peace and service activities undertaken by the Meeting.

The committee meets once a month at the Meeting House. The date and time are posted and announced. Any member or attender is welcome and encouraged to participate.

Several recent and current Committee Activities are shown below:

More information may be obtained by contacting clerk of the Peace and Social Concerns Committee.

Return to committee page.

Walk cheerfully over the earth answering that of God in every person.
George Fox
Maintained by the Providence Monthly Meeting
Last updated: December 11, 2012
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